I wrote this to partially read from for my Crit presentation but everyone was tired as my presentation was the last of the day. I decided to skim over a lot of my self evaluation and show what I'd produced instead. Even though it is not properly formatted or the best written I felt that I evaluated myself well in this so I am submitting it anyway.
Greg films
'all my life' -one shot and music analogous to life = relates to my spaghetti film idea
Film of people ascending =
My idea to make a short film following people about the shortness of life.
Other film ideas I wish I'd produced: unboxing the human condition- we unbox a human and analyse its features, statistics and flaws.
Human condition T-shirt design.
Hotseating the human condition- the human condition is sat on a chair and asked questions. The person in the chair has to try to embody the human condition and questioners get to ask some deep questions. I wish I had made these films but I was trying to plough on to a finished peice. Not enough time for both.( In hindsight, maybe I should have made these and then a few animated things but then my project wouldn't be very clear) In the future maybe I should ask Nabeel for help on my script. I still could make these but my final film isn't even finished.
Them two animators - inspired characteristics and animation style. Encouraged me to experiment more. Evaluation: I would like to carry on pushing animation. If I had pulled my idea for this film + narration earlier I would have tied the animations to that more. As it stands, the animations don't really flow together. In the future I could do with less short bits and a longer, more coherent peice. I think that I did push myself and managed to experiment with different aspects of the animations such as overlapping lines, opacity, colour of areas, echo and movement. I also experimented with digital and drawn, rotoscoped, free hand or stop motion. Three different types of animation! (Like printmaking) ⁴
Jan svank majer- has a dark, grotesque and physical feeling to his stop frame animations. Inspired my head motif and I tried the scanned spaghetti inspired my him.
Final film idea= video + animations of spaghetti + narration. It is about the very human feeling of insignificance told trough spaghetti.
Evaluation ~~
I think I researched well- documenting them on either my book or blog. Greg is very useful of course (I'm not sure I'd be anywhere without these recommendations) managed to find lots of artists who stimulated me characteristically and contextually!
I developed ideas inspired by artists but also my thoughts which go round in my head every day which I put down as much as I could to my sketchbook which I have gotten better at!
Been evidencing better and using my blog a bit more casually but more frequently and freely.